
The Parking Deal

Needless to say, we're hoping for excellent late-spring weather on May 22, but if we get it, that means that it'll probably bring lots of other folx out to Brittingham Park as well. If you look under the "Maps & Pix" tab on this blog, you'll see a diagram of the parking lot we've got to work with: 60 spaces (not counting the 7 handicapped spots), plus on-street parking along West Washington Avenue. We're expecting a couple of hundred guests at the wedding, and we're all going to have to contend with general park patrons for that limited number of parking places. (We have exclusive use of the shelter, but not of the park itself, natch, nor of the parking lot.)

However, there's quite a lot of parking space at Wright Middle School, where the reception will be held. Much of it is in the playground out back (the so-called "overflow lot"). If you can arrange to meet up with friends there, ahead of the ceremony, then you can leave one car at the school and ride over to the park in another.

May the odds be always in your favor.

1 comment:

  1. Richard, that's "May the odds be EVAR in your favor."
    :) Conga-rats


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