
Photo ID Optional Here

Hey, thanks to all who've sent in photos and videos so far. I'm still accepting the former at RichardSRussell@tds.net, and you can contact me there to obtain a procedure for sending me the latter. Photos are going up gradually on the "Photo Album" tab of the "DR Wedding" website, but there doesn't appear to be a ready way to post videos to the blog. (Maybe YouTube; still to be researched.) Of course, Abigail and I still want to see them, so don't let lack of a widespread distribution mechanism deter you from passing on any that you might have taken.

Anomalous Data

This "news" is over a month old now, but I thot I'd share it anyway. When Abigail and I were supplying the deputy county clerk with the info needed for our marriage license, she had already obtained our birthdates (and thus our ages) when she got to the part about "First marriage for both?", to which we assented. Her eyebrows rose slightly as she observed "Well, that's going to skew their statistics!"